Category: Action Items

Action Item: Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill

Call, tweet, or email Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill and ask her to co-sponsor SB 123, Senator Boscola’s fair funding bill. Senator Hill Represents much of York County. Her school districts are missing out on over 76 Million dollars a year, with many students shortchanged by 1,000, 2,000, and even $6,700 every year. This weighs on students

Action Item: Senator Pat Browne

Call, tweet, or email State Senator Pat Browne, the Chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and tell him to provide for fair funding in the budget. The appropriations committees have immense power in terms of spending priorities. Sen Browne needs to hear from folks across PA that fair funding is no longer optional- it is

Action Item: Rep Curt Sonney

Call or email Representative Curt Sonney, the Chair of the House Education Committee, and ask him to hold a hearing on Fair Funding. Rep Sonney represents districts that are getting more than their fair funding formula share. He is next to Erie City, which is underfunded and where this op-ed just ran: In June

Action Item: Senator Scott Martin

Call, tweet, or email Senator Scott Martin, the Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Ask him to hold a committee hearing on Fair Funding and boldly support equitable funding. He has tremendous power to move the needle on this issue. If you live in his district your voice could be especially impactful, but every Pennsylvanian

Action Item: Rep Stan Saylor

Call, tweet, or email Rep Stan Saylor, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and tell him to provide for fair funding in the budget. His committee just had a hearing on education yesterday. This committee has a lot of say so over how money is spent. He needs to hear from folks across PA