Action Item: Senator Scott Martin

Call, tweet, or email Senator Scott Martin, the Chair of the Senate Education Committee. Ask him to hold a committee hearing on Fair Funding and boldly support equitable funding. He has tremendous power to move the needle on this issue.

If you live in his district your voice could be especially impactful, but every Pennsylvanian should call.  He represents much of Lancaster County, including the City of Lancaster which is an extremely underfunded school district.

He is aware of the problem, is a co-sponsor of current fair funding legislation, and would benefit from knowing that there is a great amount of public support for equitable funding.

Contact Links


  • Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are insisting on it- for the sake of just treatment of our children.
  • Relevant Article:
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community.
  • He is resistant to tax increases. If that comes up remind him that underfunding forces districts to raise property taxes. Urge him/his staff to find other solutions.
  • State lawmakers have a CONSTITUTIONAL DUTY to provide PA students with a thorough education. Remind him of that.
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish.