Action Item: Rep Wendi Thomas

Call, tweet, or email Representative Wendi Thomas. Rep Thomas represents two wealthy districts getting a bit more than their fair share. She is open to the plight of students in underfunded districts.

Tell her why educational equity is important to YOU. Tell the story of the students who are shortchanged. Ask her to support fair funding legislation.

Contact Links


  • Rep Thomas is a former school board member and supports charter reform. Thank her for her commitment to PA students.
  • Mention that not only does underfunding hurt students, it puts a higher burden on local taxpayers in communities that need relief, not higher than average taxes.
  • Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are insisting on it- for the sake of just treatment of our children. Fair Funding is no longer optional.
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community? Your story is powerful, even if it’s simple, even if it’s broad- “my heart is breaking for the students in my community who are being denied opportunity and getting the message from the legislature that they don’t matter.”
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish: