Action Item: Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill

Call, tweet, or email Senator Kristin Phillips-Hill and ask her to co-sponsor SB 123, Senator Boscola’s fair funding bill.

Senator Hill Represents much of York County. Her school districts are missing out on over 76 Million dollars a year, with many students shortchanged by 1,000, 2,000, and even $6,700 every year. This weighs on students and taxpayers alike.

Contact Links


  • Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are insisting on it- for the sake of just treatment of our children. SURELY she wants this too, with her neediest students being so shortchanged.
  • Share your story- how does this issue directly impact you, your kids, your community?
  • Share this action item with friends and family in her district.
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish.