Action Item: Rep Kerry Benninghoff

Reach out to Majority Leader Kerry Benninghoff and let him know that equitable education funding is essential. Emphasize that children across Pennsylvania are not receiving the opportunities and resources that they need to fulfill their potential. Our children’s futures, and the future of our Commonwealth are depending on a quality education for ALL.

Representative Benninghoff represents the State College Area School District, which is underfunded by over $9M every year.

Contact Links


  • If you can, talk about what your district has had to cut to make ends meet.
  • Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are insisting on it- PA students deserve opportunity and justice. Fair Funding is no longer optional.
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community? Your story is powerful, even if it’s simple, even if it’s broad- “my heart is breaking for the students in my community who are being denied opportunity and getting the message from the legislature that they don’t matter.”
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish: