Call, tweet, or email Rep Stan Saylor, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and tell him to provide for fair funding in the budget. His committee just had a hearing on education yesterday. This committee has a lot of say so over how money is spent. He needs to hear from folks across PA that fair funding is no longer optional- it is essential. If you live in his district your voice will be especially impactful, but every Pennsylvanian should call.
Contact Links
Phone: 717-783-6426 or 717-244-9232
Twitter: @RepStanSaylor
- Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are demanding it- for the sake of just treatment of our children.
- Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community? You don’t need to be an expert. Just speak what you know with conviction. PA students deserve equitable education funding.
- Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish.