Action Item: Rep Stan Saylor

Call, tweet, or email Rep Stan Saylor, the Chair of the House Appropriations Committee and tell him to provide for fair funding in the budget. His committee just had a hearing on education yesterday. This committee has a lot of say so over how money is spent. He needs to hear from folks across PA that fair funding is no longer optional- it is essential. If you live in his district your voice will be especially impactful, but every Pennsylvanian should call.

Contact Links

Phone: 717-783-6426 or 717-244-9232


Twitter: @RepStanSaylor


  • Be polite, but direct. We aren’t asking for fair funding- we are demanding it- for the sake of just treatment of our children.
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community? You don’t need to be an expert. Just speak what you know with conviction. PA students deserve equitable education funding.
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish.