Action Item: Rep Curt Sonney

Call or email Representative Curt Sonney, the Chair of the House Education Committee, and ask him to hold a hearing on Fair Funding.

Rep Sonney represents districts that are getting more than their fair funding formula share. He is next to Erie City, which is underfunded and where this op-ed just ran:

In June 2019, Rep Sonney told Fair Funding advocates he would hold a hearing on the fair funding bills and then didn’t follow through. Tell him we need that hearing.

When you call or email, be polite but insistent. Let him know this is incredibly unfair and it needs to be fixed.

Contact Links


  • Ask him/his staff, respectfully but directly, if it is fair that some districts are getting much less than their fair share while others like his get much more.
  • If you know someone from his district, ask them to call, email, get involved.
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community? OUR STORIES MATTER.
  • You don’t need to be an expert. Just speak what you know with conviction. PA students deserve equitable education funding.
  • Use these sample emails for guidance or as a template if you wish.
  • Share this post with others who might want to help.