Action Item: Rep Barry Jozwiak

Reach out to Representative Barry Jozwiak and ask him to co-sponsor Rep Ciresi’s and Rep Sturla’s Fair Funding bills. Both bills substantially advance the cause of equitable funding.

Rep Jozwiak is from Berks County and has just one district getting less than its fair share… but has co-sponsored fair funding legislation in the past. When you call you can thank him for his past co-sponsorship and reemphasize why this issue is so critical for PA students.

Contact Links


  • Be polite, but direct. This is an urgent priority and Rep Barry Jozwiak needs to hear that every year we fail to act more students are suffering.
  • Explain why this issue is important to you- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community?
  • Remind him that inequitable funding is driving local property taxes up the most in the poorest communities.
  • Share something personal- how does this issue impact you, your kids, your community?
  • Use these sample emails for parents, teachers, and taxpayers for guidance or as a template if you wish: